Area Highlights - Feedback Requests

Please discuss with your districts and groups, bring any and all feedback to the assembly


  1. What does this area do to help the still suffering alcoholic? What is our primary purpose- elect a delegate? Do we fulfill it with the current number of assemblies?
  2. Do our financial guidelines and budgets match what our area’s purpose is? Can our financial resources be put to better use in other ways?
  3. How does the area serve our 3 legacies?
  4. What are your groups/districts top 3 priorities for the area to fulfill?
  5. How should the area help foster an environment of service sponsorship? Do we encourage rotation at every level of the triangle?
  6. How would your group like to be involved in the inventory process throughout the year? What suggestions do you have that would make it more inclusive outside of assemblies?


This topic is deemed imminent to the Area as a whole. Please see discussion questions below, so that trusted servants are fully informed by their groups and districts in advance of another workshop in October 2024.

The Area 41 FUNction Ad Hoc Committee has met since April 2023, and has actively polled the Area with surveys, questions, emails, etc. We have learned that Area 41 assemblies might be improved by:

  • Reducing barriers to participation.
  • Improving structural items (e.g., agenda and/or meeting frequency) to be efficient with the Area’s time and resources.
  • Increased opportunities for engaging workshops on service positions or principles, which have been well received, to date.

The committee intends to submit Agenda Items with recommended changes to the Area voting body (business meeting) for consideration. Please discuss the following, to help inform the committee’s recommendations:

  1. Some people have said it’s too expensive to send a GSR four times per year (current Area 41 frequency). What if two of those Area assemblies stopped having business meetings (i.e., voting), only met one day, and/or you were able to attend virtually?
  2. What if all committees were available virtually?
  3. Or, what if there were only three Area assemblies (with business meetings) per year?
  4. If more groups could afford to send people (e.g., by only paying to send a GSR twice per year), would we have a greater representation of our Area fellowship at assemblies with business meetings?
  5. What if one or two of our yearly Area assemblies were able to rotate around the Area, in smaller towns by using a school, church, community center, etc.?

Other Areas are doing these things: less business, more workshops, sometimes rotating locations. There is much to discuss. We welcome feedback at our October workshop or by email any time: area41nebraska [at] . Stay tuned!