Accessibilities, Accommodations, Treatment and Remote Communities Committee Report - October 2024

Greetings Area 41,

The Treatment, Accessibilities, Accommodations and Remote Communities Committee met at 9:00am with 5 people in attendance. We opened with the Serenity prayer followed by Traditions and Concepts. After introductions we read the Scope of our Committee and the previous minutes.

We discussed the new Bridging the Gap function on the Area Website. This is where an individual in a Treatment Center can fill out a submission for a temporary A.A. contact. When the submission is received we locate an A.A. fellow from the Area that the applicant will be returning to after leaving Treatment. This fellow can provide an immediate connection to the Fellowship BEFORE an individual is released. The link for this is

The website is up and running and we can move forward with sending an email to Nebraska Treatment facilities alerting them of this tool now available to them. A list of treatment centers is being compiled but we also discussed other locations that could benefit from the Bridging the Gap function. Huge shoutout to Sarah and the Technology & Communication Committee on all the work they have put into the Website. They have done a great job.

We discussed the boundaries of our committee working with Treatment Centers or other accessibility related facilities like Nursing Homes. How do we reach the still suffering Alcoholic without affiliating with the business itself? This led to a close examination of our Scope and Responsibilities. We discussed the Area 41 Inventory questions. Finally, we discussed the agenda items up for vote. There are no agenda items assigned to our committee at this time.

Thank you for allowing me to serve. Dean G. T.A.A.R.C. Chair