Cooperation with the Professional Community and Professional Information Committee Report - October 2024
Hi Area 41, we had 11 in attendance opened with the serenity prayer
- agenda item 2024-01-06 004 and we read the scope of the committee, some questions were who would pay for it, lots of driving around the state, is this an area, group or district position?
- the 1800 number has been updated
- area 41 business cards have been updated with a QR code will be here for the next meeting
- Carry the message starts with all of us, jails, churches, hospitals, schools, probation offices, counselors
- discussed state fair booth not enough support
- how to get the message? billboards, bus benches, tv radio, newspapers, how about the traditions, attraction rather than promotion, anonymity
closed with the responsibility pledge,
In Service, Jeff W