Grapevine Committee Report - October 2024

Greetings Area 41,

This last quarter was slow for the Grapevine committee. There were no events up to this area that I was able to attend. In committee we opened with the serenity prayer with 4 members present. Minutes from the last meeting were read and motion was made to approve minutes as read and approved. In Grapevine current balance in checking is 2747.57, 423.52 in cash box total sales are 168.45, square service fee is 4.27. I'm willing to attend future events as my job will allow between assemblies. As a side note if anyone wants pocket planners or calendars for 2025 come see me I can mail them to you when they come in or get them to you at the next assembly if you so desire. Also if you purchased anything from me come see me we are going to draw random names next 3rd quarter and give away a few complete subscriptions so if you want to put on the list to draw let me know. In closing we closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Yours in Service, Chuck S. Area Grapevine chair