Secretary Report - October 2024

Hello Area 41,

Lets address the newsletter first. My sincere apologies that it was delayed, I did send out an extra email with all the voting items and budget included so that you would still have available the information to take to your meetings before the area and have time to discuss. It was my hope that you would be able to use that in the interim. I do want to report that I had several emails and calls, which is always welcomed. Please don't hesitate to call or email and I will do my best to get you a timeline and or the items you need for your groups or districts. It's a pleasure to get to hear from you in between areas, and a pleasure to serve the fellowship however I can!

That being said, a friendly reminder that the agenda information, and the voting items do get posted to the website, side note, if you haven't checked out the new website what are you waiting for? Thank you to the folks who worked hard on it!

The voting items will also appear in the area highlights sent out, additionally I'm here to serve the fellowship so please reach out if you need something before the newsletter comes out. I'd like to remind the fellowship, both Brock and myself are trusted servants and as such have to get the newsletter out in addition to our everyday lives and sometimes life gets lifey. The newsletter process requires a lot of trust from everyone that all the parts will come together. Lots of working parts to get it out, agenda committee will compile the agenda and voting items submitted to the chair, the secretary compiles all the reports and the newsletter person has to get them all to fit into the format which is a lot harder than it sounds, then it gets translated for the spanish version. There are things you can do to help! You can make sure you do not include any last names in your reports, as we have to go in and remove them before they can go online, you can also make sure you get your reports in a timely fashion, I really appreciate all of you that do that regularly, thank you!

I would like to thank District 15 for hosting their chili cook off during our dinner break, I really appreciated the time spent with members of the local groups, and the food was wonderful!

I'm looking forward to the workshop in January and to see you all in 2025! Love and Service, Erin