District 11 Report - October 2024
Greetings Area 41,
I'm Donna alcoholic, District 11 DCM. Our district consists of 6 Northeast counties; Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, Madison, Wayne and Thurston. We had 11 meetings in our district until recently had 2 more added to the Tuesday 4th dimension group and a group starting in Crofton on Monday nights. Our Sunday morning group changed to an evening meeting to hopefully increase participation.
We celebrated a couple birthdays in September, Brian with 36 years and Lyle 37 years, Also in September Russ S., our district archives chair, was able to attend the national archives workshop in Des Moines. In district 11 archives we have a leatherbound secretary's handbook from 1949. Russ reached out to Michelle, our Archives Director at GSO. She explained it is very rare to have such a treasure! In October Alfredo, a newer member, celebrated 3 years. We held our last district meeting October 12 with 14 in attendance and had supper and ice cream! Lots of business, fellowship and humor. Fliers for our New Years party and district meeting in Wayne!
Yours in Service, Donna J.