Area Highlights - January 2025
Voting Results from January
Workshop chair election:
Cat O.-49
Pat D.-5
Corey E.-28
Congratulations to Cat O. Our new Workshop Chair!
Agenda Item 2021-07-10 017 Agenda: Area 41 conduct hybrid meetings as an option for virtual, as well as physical, attendance at Area 41 assemblies and business meetings. The hybrid meetings will utilize some borrowed equipment from A.A. members for a period of one year. In addition to borrowed equipment, Area 41 would purchase equipment up to an estimated initial investment of $450 including tax. At the end of this period, the hybrid meetings would continue with the Area purchasing additional necessary equipment. Collaboration between the Technology and Communications Committee and Agenda Committee is encouraged, with regards to implementation and service rotation.
Vote 70-6 motion passes.
Agenda 2024-04-06 002 Technology & Communications (with consultation of Report &Charter): Dissolve the Taper service position and create an Audio-Visual service position. Because this position requires special skills and continuity, it ought to remain a six-year appointment. Area Chairperson to appoint. The service position would be overseen by the Technology and Communications Committee. Also amend the Area 41 Service Handbook to appropriately reflect these changes. Amend budget to move Taper position lodging, mileage, and “Area Taping” expense lines from Secretary to Technology and Communications Committee, and rename appropriately. Update lodging to be for two nights per assembly, to allow servant to arrive on Friday with equipment.
Above is an amended item by committee accepted by the area body.
Vote to send back to committee 59-14 passes.
Other Notes
- New service manuals and plain language translation now out!!!
- Thank you to Ken B. & Archives committee for the Archives Workshop.
April Voting Items
For full items including Background, please view Agenda post linked here:
Voting Items (motion text only, no background) listed below:
Agenda 2024-04-06 002 Technology & Communications (with consultation of Report & Charter): Dissolve the Taper service position and create a new Audio-Visual service position in its place. Because this position requires special skills and continuity, it will remain a six-year appointment. Area Chairperson to appoint. The service position would be overseen by the Technology and Communications Committee.
- Ensure proper storage and adequate security of applicable equipment, and timely delivery and setup for Area assemblies.
- Manage the microphones/sound systems.
- Ensure that Area assemblies are audio-recorded, and that recordings are provided to the Chairperson and Secretary, and to the Archives.
- Provide audio recording of other Area functions as requested by Chairperson, subject to the availability of the Audio-Visual servant.
- Make sure the projectors are working.
- Assist with slide sharing, logistics and/or hosting for virtual or hybrid assemblies.
Amend budget to move Taper position lodging, mileage, and “Area Taping” expense lines from Secretary to Technology and Communications Committee, and rename appropriately. Update lodging to be for two nights per assembly, to allow servant to arrive on Friday with equipment.
Amend the Area 41 Service Handbook to appropriately reflect these changes, and sunset any past actions in conflict.
AGENDA ITEM 2025 Corrections 01-11 017: The Area 41 Correctional Facilities Committee recommends the name of the committee be changed to Corrections. The name change would mirror the General Service Board (GSB) service structure and reflect what Area 41 currently calls the committee.
2022-04-02 006 Agenda Item Report & Charter: Update the scope of the Area Secretary (Area 41 Service Handbook page 11) to add item iv, “Send out an electronic Area 41 highlights communication to the Fellowship, suggested within two weeks of each Assembly, to include but not limited to, the results of the voting items and the voting items for the upcoming Assembly.”
2022-04-02 006 Agenda Item Report & Charter: Update the scope of the Area Secretary (Area 41 Service Handbook page 11) to add item iv, “Send out an electronic Area 41 highlights communication to the Fellowship, suggested within two weeks of each Assembly, to include but not limited to, the results of the voting items and the voting items for the upcoming Assembly.”
2022-04-02 005 (a2) Agenda Item FUNction Ad Hoc: Vary the location of Area 41 Assembly meeting(s) that are NOT conducting a formal Business Meeting. Non-Business Assemblies, known as “Service Assemblies” in this Agenda Item, would ideally move to a different city than the “Business Assemblies,” either rotating around the state or being in a permanent fixed location outside the city that hosts the Business meetings. Any changes would begin after any current Area 41 hotel contract. If contract negotiations are taking place, those plans supersede the timing of this Agenda item. Area 41 will secure a meeting space suitable for a day to host workshops and fellowship. The passing of this agenda item shall suspend: Jan. 2006 Motion that Area 41 Standing Committee meetings scheduled to run concurrently on Saturday morning of all Area meetings for 9am –noon, with appropriate breaks as determined within each committee.
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