GSC PreConference Sessions + Sample Discussion Questions

I hope your review of the background for the 75th General Service Conference is going well! I want to share some ways you can share your feedback with me:

  • Similar to last year, I will host four online sharing sessions that any member can join to share feedback or ask questions. These are very informal sessions. Join whenever you can and stay for however long you'd like.
  • The April Assembly is largely focused on discussing the agenda items with members from across Nebraska. You'll be able to participate in a variety of sharing sessions on hot topics and the different conference committees. Don't forget we will be hosting Scott H., the chair of the General Service Board, and you can submit questions for the Ask-It Basket at
  • If your group or district would like to have a sharing session with me on any topic, let me know and we can arrange a time.
  • Reach out to me directly anytime if you want to talk one-on-one.

Each of the online sharing sessions are listed in the Event Calendar and have a shareable flyer. Please share it with your group, district, or any A.A. member! I hope you make your voice heard. As Rick shared in our Concept I workshop, the groups collectively have the ultimate authority in our Fellowship, but only if you express it.

I created a document with sample discussion questions for the agenda items. This was requested by DCMs at our DCM sharing session at the January Assembly. These are offered as a suggestion only for anyone that finds it helpful to get the conversation started. This is not meant to limit or be an exhaustive list of questions. This document is available in the Google Drive folder where the agenda and background information is located. You can access this anytime through Member Services. Please feel free to share this with your group, district, or any A.A member.

If you have any questions or there is anything I can do to be of service, reach out anytime!

In love and service,
