GSR Workshop Report - October 2024
Greetings Area 41! We had a great turnout last night with 25 people in attendance, at least four of whom were at Area for the first time. We distributed the new website QR code cards for easy online access to service information. We also distributed copies of the Area 41 Handbook to those who wanted a paper copy.Our main topic of discussion was outside issues, particularly in light of the current election cycle. As we opened our discussion, it became apparent that this is a complex and challenging topic. Many different thoughts and perspectives were contributed and several traditions informed our conversation. I was again impressed with the ability of AA members to come together for a civil and respectful conversation about a topic with the potential to become divisive. Having arrived at no bright-line rules or answers, we then turned our discussion to challenges faced by GSRs in groups where the presence of strong personalities and opinions may make arriving at a fully informed group conscience difficult. GSRs offered their experience and we talked about the intention to arrive at substantial unanimity on issues, rather than choosing winners and losers.
In selecting the main topic of the next GSR workshop in January, we looked at the discussion of the assembly schedule and a request from a contributor for a GSR workshop on the topic of service sponsorship. We look forward to the GSRs sharing their experience, strength and hope as it relates to service sponsorship and their AA groups in January.
In everything, I have been ably assisted by McKenna K., our alternate GSR Workshop Chair, for whom I am very grateful. McKenna and I are privileged to serve our Area 41 GSRs through the workshop and look forward to meeting again with the GSRs at the next Area Assembly. Please feel free to contact either of us between assemblies with any questions or suggestions for future workshop topics.
Yours in service, Rebecca T., GSR Workshop Chair