District 1 Report - October 2024

Greetings Area 41,

I apologize for being unable to attend this weekend’s business meeting, I had a school commitment to attend. The District 1 alternate DCM Jason K. is going in my place and is well versed in the happenings and our group conscience. While there is nothing major to report within our district for the last quarter. We do have two things we are considering on the horizon. We feel that a district inventory might be beneficial and help gain some participation within our district. We are also beginning to talk about doing your workshop soon. With how close and busy the holiday season is we were thinking that this will take place at the beginning of next year. We are open to suggestions on a topic and are hoping our groups will give us feedback, so it becomes of value to them.

We spent the new business portion of our last district meeting discussing the agenda items for Area this weekend. Most of the conversation centered around the budget and the inventory items. We do have concerns about the budget because in keeping with our seventh tradition of self-support it is worrisome that currently Area 41 is projecting a deficit next year. Our district would like details on how the Finance Committee is going to rectify this with our tradition of self-support.

As for the topics in the inventory we would like to share our top three priorities for Area 41 to fulfill.

  1. Continue to elect delegates to participate in the general service conference.
  2. For Area 41 to facilitate unity between the districts and connections between Alcoholics in different locations.
  3. Two-way communication between the Area and the district including Area workshops. Allowing for knowledge of the availability and the access to resources available to groups from Area 41.

In Service, Charles C.