Committees enable the area assembly to function more effectively. The committee system divides the many and varied responsibilities for service to the fellowship among these engaged entities.

Get Involved

Did you know? Any member of Area 41 can attend an Area 41 Assembly and/or be a member of a Standing Committee, regardless of whether being a voting member at Area Assemblies.

Area 41 Committees

Area 41 has the following Standing Committees:

An Area 41 Election Assembly traditionally occurs at the last Area Assembly of odd-numbered years for the specific purpose of electing new Area 41 Officers, Area 41 Standing Committee Chairpersons, and Area 41 Service Positions (except for those appointed by the Area Chairperson).

Ad Hoc Committees

The Area 41 Chairperson may establish non-voting interim committees to facilitate Area 41 business. Or a Standing Committee may form an ad hoc committee to fulfill a committee task that will require more time than is available during normal committee meetings. All ad hoc committees shall cease to exist at the end of the rotation in which they were created unless the creation of the committee was approved by an Area 41 Business Meeting for a specific purpose and a specific length of time.

Area 41 currently has the following Ad Hoc Committee(s):

  • Area FUNction

TEMP FORM - Initial Committee Page Content

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E.g. Brief bullet point list of current activities and projects.
E.g. Please express, as you see fit, the committee's current service needs.
E.g. You may use the format of; where, when, why. Please be as specific as possible.
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